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  • Figure 8 Deep Breathing Coping Skill

    Stress holding you down?

    Feeling out of control of your life?

    Want to learn a new coping skill to assist in those stressful times?

    Want to connect with your child, spouse, family?

    Learn a new coping skills with our child therapist, Chelsea Bogda. She teaches Figure 8 breathing to help kids and parent’s feel competent in addressing feelings of discomfort. Chelsea prides herself on teaching parents and kids easy ways to connect with increased stress at home. Figure 8 breathing is a great way to assist kids in feeling confident in managing emotions that leave them feeling out of control during this stressful time. This is a great way to practice controlled breathing in an out of control time.

    This deep breathing technique is for all ages, great for parents and children to practice together before bed or even to start the day off right for E-Learning. But is helpful for individuals, couples, families, children, teens and adults.  This coping skill can be utilized in any environment such as school, home, work, in a plane, on a train or in a car!




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