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  • High School Senior Support Group

    Brittany Roback, Co-owner and Therapist, offers a FREE online High School Senior Support Group to manage the crisis the High School Seniors of today are going through. If you are struggling mentally, emotionally or socially, realize you do not have to do this alone. There are other teens like you, that want to help support each other during this difficult time.

    WHERE: Online Video Chat Group

    WHO: High School Seniors struggling to adjust to abrupt changes to their senior year of high school

    WHEN: Fridays at 11am (Starting April 10, 2020) for one hour


    HOW: Contact Today


    If you are experiencing the following, take advantage of this FREE online social support opportunity:



    -Loneliness/Isolation from friends and class mates

    -Disappointment over missing out on senior highlights

    -Excessive worry about grades and young adulthood

    -Regret about not connecting with more classmates before leaving

    -Uncertainty about what is to come

    Brittany is a licensed therapist specialized in treating children and teenagers. She enjoys working with individuals challenged by daily life issues. Brittany is motivated to work with the clients to problem solve and find solutions to what is impacting their daily functioning.

    “If you are a high school senior struggling with the abrupt loss of your high school senior year, come meet others that feel the same way as you. You do not have to suffer with the unknown alone. Our group is a space to feel understood, supported and belong in a time when we feel so distant and isolated from our high school friends. We look forward to understanding you and helping your through this tough time”

    Brittany Roback, LCPC, CADC

    High school girl reflecting on worries about senior year. Free High School senior support group

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